Angola Main Street

Angola Main Street

The Downtown Angola Coalition (DAC) is a dedicated group of individuals who have supported community development since 2017. Operating as Angola Main Street, DAC partners with the City of Angola, the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs (Indiana Main Street), and Main Street America, functioning as a National Main Street accredited program. This accreditation, awarded in January 2024, requires our organization to uphold high standards in programming and projects, ensuring quality and accountability in our community development efforts.

DAC, which obtained its 501(c)3 status in 2018, has initiated several annual programs and events that promote community pride and togetherness. Through collaborative efforts, we have also made possible various physical projects that enhance our community. Our focus is on promoting activities and development in Downtown Angola, contributing to its status as a regional destination.

We work with government agencies, local businesses, property owners, philanthropic organizations, and passionate community members to coordinate comprehensive efforts in place-making. Our programs, events, and development projects celebrate the community’s historical and natural resources, support local businesses, and enhance the experience of living and working in Downtown Angola.
